When we introduced our Frost glaze last November, our original intention was for it to join Winterberry as a seasonal holiday glaze. We’ve reconsidered, and it’s sticking around as part of our year-round glaze palette.
The idea of Frost came about after a happy accident. A few years ago, a kiln-load of anticipated Winterberry-glaze vessels misfired. The cool ethereal blue vessels that emerged caught our attention and kept it. The color captivated those who saw the vessels so much that we decided to replicate the pale, almost transparent blue-green.
To do so, Pewabic Glaze Development Specialist Alex Thullen focused on a pigment that presents celadon as a true blue tone. The reduction firing introduces a warmth, with glaze pooling around the edges, and a glossy crackle-effect finish.
“We don’t do a lot of gloss tones on our vessels,” says Thullen, “and I think it’s nice to do something that has a seasonal appeal to it, but isn’t so niche people wouldn’t want to use year-round.”
Just as had happened with its predecessor at its accidental inception, people love it. And so do we, so much so that we’re keeping it around long after the real frost melts.